“The Live With It foundation offered critical financial support to my family after my accident, including modifications to our home. The modifications of our home enabled me to move around freely. The modifications greatly improved my mobility and independence in my home.” – Jenn

Jenn Johnson suffered a traumatic injury on Thursday, April 11, 2024, that left her paralyzed from the belly button down.
Jenn went up to her garage attic to grab a few boxes. While she was up there she lost her balance and fell through the attic onto her back on the concrete garage floor. She was able to pull herself up and to the backyard to yell for help. Luckily her neighbor behind them heard her and was able to jump the fence and call 911 for her. They got her to Via Christi where med flight was waiting to transfer her to Freeman West ER.
At Freeman West ER, they discovered she crushed her T 10 and 11 as well as severing her spinal cord.
On Friday, April 12, 2024, Jenn underwent a lengthy surgery to realign her spine. They were successful by placing 2 rods and 16 screws. Unfortunately, there was no repairing her spinal cord and she lost all feeling and movement below her bellybutton. She had another procedure to place a screen to catch any blood clots that could occur.
Jenn was transferred on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, to Craig rehabilitation facility in Colorado after a week and half hospital stay. At Craig she stayed for about 60 days learning how to be successful with this new normal. The family also made some trips to Colorado to learn ways to help Jenn adapt to her new lifestyle.
While Jenn was in Colorado, her husband Dustin, as well as others, made modifications to the home (ramps, handrails, remolding bathrooms, widening doorways, etc) to ensure the house was ready for Jenn when she returned home.
The Live With It Foundation was able to help with both travel expenses for the family and modifications to the home. Jenn has expressed that she is grateful to be alive despite the new challenges in her life. Please continue to pray for her and her family.